Pure By Name, Pure By Nature.

Denmark-based EcoPure approached Spritz with a line of eco-friendly cleaning products that smell great and are safe enough to drink (but we wouldn’t recommend it). With a wide range of products and the original label designs using 8-10 Pantone colours per label, this meant weeks of design just to produce one, making it inefficient in design and production cost.

We reduced print and production costs by over 70% by developing a labelling scheme using a simple formula utilising the colour of the liquid and a contrasting colour to create effective 2-colour labels. The design formula allowed the introduction of new products more frequently, thus extending the range in a seamless and cohesive manner. They now sell in other countries such as Germany, US and China.


  • Branding & Visual Identity
  • Print Marketing
  • Packaging

Packaging Design

We came up with a simple format that displayed the information for each product in a clear and concise way

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